Integrated medical text neck

How Technology Can Cause Your Neck Pain

Who can imagine our lives without smartphones, laptops, and tablets these days? All of these devices make it possible to work, shop, and communicate from almost anywhere in the world. The major drawback is they’re also the reason why many people are experiencing neck pain and tightness these days. Fortunately, chiropractors can offer help that can relieve pain and prevent permanent damage to the neck.

So, what is the connection between technology and neck pain? If you walk into any restaurant or coffee shop, you will notice that many people are glued to their phones, holding them around waist level and bending their heads forward. This posture causes your head to be down and forward and can strain the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the neck and even alter the alignment of the vertebrae.

Vertebrae are the individual bones of the spine stacked on top of each other like blocks on top of each other and provide stability to the spine. When they are misaligned Chiropractors call it a subluxation, and they’re a common cause of neck pain.
These issues have become so widespread that a new term has been coined – text neck. It’s most common to people who hold their heads forward for extended periods. Studies show that it’s more common among students/workers who use their phones or tablets a lot. If you are spending long hours working on a computer or playing video games this can also be a cause for neck pain. You might be more likely to experience neck and back pain when you’re hunched over your computer at work or playing games in your living room on your couch.
The most common symptoms can be pain/stiffness in your neck, shoulders, upper back, and arms. Also muscle spasms in your neck, back, and shoulders, headaches, pain when moving your neck, numbness, and tingling in your arms and hands due to irritated nerves, reduced flexibility when moving your neck, balance problems due to posture changes, jaw pain due to subluxations and tight muscles, and more.
If not treated, subluxations can lead to pinched nerves and increased pain. This constant stress on your neck and spine may also increase your risk of arthritis, bone spurs, slipped discs, and herniated discs. In some cases, a text neck can even lead to kyphosis, which is an abnormal curve in the upper back.Dr. Kirwan neck pain

So, what can you do to prevent and relieve neck pain? Here are some tips:

  • Change the way you hold your devices. Hold smartphones and tablets at eye level. If you plan to use a device for an extended period, use a holder that keeps it at the appropriate level.
  •  Stretch and take a break from digital devices at least once every hour. Stretch your neck in all directions and take a short walk if possible.
  •  Pay attention to posture: Keep your head and shoulders back when using digital devices or playing games.
  • Choose ergonomic office furniture such as ergonomic chairs and desks to help you maintain proper posture when using computers.
  • Strengthening exercises for the neck and all-over core exercises may help prevent the tightness and pain in the neck
  • Visit your chiropractor: Chiropractors have extensive training to correct subluxations with chiropractic adjustment/spinal manipulation, which realigns your vertebrae and reduces tension on muscles and tissues.  Deep tissue massage is another treatment option that loosens up tight muscles and tissues that can relieve muscle spasms. Your chiropractor can also advise you on offering posture exercises and recommend stretches to help you eliminate neck pain.

For more information on how a chiropractic treatment can offer an effective and natural way to treat your pain and reduce your risk of long-term damage. You can contact Dr. Kirwan D.C. today to make an appointment.